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Switzerland to become a BlockchainNation瑞士将成为区块链国度

2018-12-19 来源:互联网 有9067人参与



In a press conference of 14 December 2018 by Swiss Finance Minister UeliMaurer, Swiss Government recognizes Switzerland as one of the leading countries regarding Blockchain Technologies and declares its support to strengthen such innovative power through a solid, stable, and transparent legislation on which the industry can rely on and that, as a consequence, will attract companies to Switzerland.

But unlike other countries such as for example Liechtenstein and Malta, Switzerland will not create a specific BlockchainLegislation, but rather to fully embed new Blockchain processes into current legislation. This is a worldwide pioneering approach as a joint effort of Swiss Federal Administration, Swiss National Bank, Swiss Financial Regulator and the blockchain industry. The purpose is to support an innovation-friendly environment and not to interfere with the technology but define the framework under which such new processes shall operate. The process to adapt existing legislation shall start in February or March 2019.

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